

Historical Foundations REL 404

School of Spiritual Leadership Florida Campus

Rev.Dr. Toni LaMotta  • cell 941-928-3529

Fri. January 14, 6-9 p.m., Sat. January 15, 10am-6pm

Fri. February 11, 6-10 pm, Sat. February 12, 10 am – 6 pm Eastern Time

Course Description: This class includes an examination of the works of Judge Thomas Troward, Emma Curtis Hopkins, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, and a survey of similarities and differences between Holmes’ works and those who influenced him. Students are required to identify the major concepts of these writers and their association with the philosophy of the Science of Mind. The course also includes an exploration of the historical precedents in the development of the New Thought Movement. Emphasis is placed on the history, current trends, and future of New Thought relating to political and cultural influences upon the movement. A historical and cultural comparison and analysis of New Thought groups and noted individuals provide a comprehensive foundation for understanding Science of Mind and its place in New Thought.

After this course, each student demonstrates the following minimum competencies:

A. Area of Spiritual Consciousness: Sense regardless of human definitions, we are all one in the life of God

B. Knowledge: How political and cultural climate trigger the beginning and unfolding of New Thought. Spiritual practices established based on principles of Truth and applied results in life-giving manifestations.

C. Abilities and/or Skills: Compare key figures and their philosophies; Relate key concepts to own personal life

Required Resources (texts): Clink on the link to purchase or download

Haller, John S., The History of New Thought – from Mind Cure to Positive Thinking and the Prosperity Gospel

Dresser, H. et al. For $.99 on Kindle, History of the New Thought Movement (contains several of the works below)

Hicks, M. Background of New Thought – you can download the pdf free from:

or order a print copy for $10 from


Recommended Resources:

  • Evans, Sherry, The Roads to Truth especially chapters:
    • 1. A Short Jaunt Through History
    • 2. Final Preparations
    • 3. The Pathfinders
    • 5. The Road to Well-Being
    • 6. The Rebellious Road
    • 8. The Road of the Intellectuals

Braden, Charles, Spirits in Rebellion chapters. 1, 2 & 5

  • Wilber, Ken, Religion of Tomorrow (also on audio free with a subscription to Audible)
  • Holmes, Science of Mind, and many others
  • Emerson, Ralph Waldo Emerson Essays, especially “Spiritual Laws,” “Self-Reliance,” 
  • “Compensation,” “Circles,” “The Over-Soul,” also “Divinity School Address”
  • Dresser, Quimby Manuscripts
  • Eddy, Mary B., Science, and Health
  • Troward, T., Edinburgh Lectures, Dore’ Lectures, Creative Process in the Individual
  • Hopkins, Emma, High Mysticism, and Scientific Christian Mental Practice
  • Larson, Christian, Pathway of Roses, The Ideal Made Real, and others
  • Brooks, Nona, Mysteries, Short Lessons in Divine Science, In the Light of Healing

Instructional Methods: Lecture, small group conversations, insightful inquiry, sharing spiritual notes, reading and writing assignments, student team interactions, student team projects.

Course Grading Requirements:

Individual class preparation, participation, and spiritual notes (34%)
Team Projects (33%)
Term paper (33%)

Assignments and Activities:
All books, required and recommended may be helpful for your spiritual notes, team projects, and term paper.

Spiritual Notes:

Select ONE: Troward, Hopkins or Emerson (the main players) and prepare spiritual notes for class on Saturday, January 15. Spiritual notes are to include the cultural influences of the times, the challenges, the terminology, and the major concepts of the “player” you choose.  Also, in your spiritual notes include the similarities/differences with Ernest Holmes’ concepts, and quotes (give the source of your quotes) from Ernest Holmes and your “player” to support your observations.  What is their unique contribution? Major writing(s)?

The main idea is to be aware of what these individuals believed/wrote about how they influenced Ernest Holmes and how they impact you or others in human life’s everyday experiences.  This assignment is to be in note form when you share in class so make your statements brief and your quotes short.  We will have a guest lecturer on Saturday and you’ll be sharing these insights in a group.

  • Team Projects – to be presented Friday, February 11 & Saturday, February 12

The class will form into teams during the first class. Each team will participate in 2 interviews with contributors to New Thought. One interviewer and one interviewee and vice-versa. The lists of those to choose from are at the end of this syllabus.  You may use costumes, sound effects, humor, and applicable props to make your interview appear more real!  Be creative and imaginative! Each team will have one hour for their 2 interviews.  Provide your instructor with an outline of your team project.

  • Term Paper – due February 11, 2021

You may choose one of the main “players” who interests you the most that you did not present in your spiritual notes during class one.  Click to See Sample paper

This paper of 3-5 pages is to include the following:

  1. Cultural influences of the times,
  2. The challenges,
  3. The terminology/writings,
  4. The major concepts,
  5. Similarities/differences with Ernest Holmes,
  6. How this individual impacted/inspired Ernest Holmes,
  7. How this individual impacts/inspires you,
  8. At least two quotes from your “player” and two related quotes from Ernest Holmes.

Some questions to ask yourself in preparation for writing this paper might include:

  • How does reading about the culture of the times interest me?
  • How do the terminology and writings of the “player” make a difference in my thinking?
  • What does this tell me about myself and my ministry?
  • What spiritual principles do I glean from this individual?
  • How may I use the knowledge acquired from this project in my ministry?
  • What activities, talents, and creativity could I include in this project to make it a rich experience for me? (Artwork/collage/other creative endeavors, internet research NT magazines, books, movies, interviews with congregants/family members/friends, my experience of integrating new knowledge in my everyday experiences).

(Tentative) CLASS ONE: Friday, January 15, 6 – 9 pm


Opening Song & Invocation

Class participant introductions using Spiritual Steppingstones exercise

Review and Clarification of Syllabus

IS New Thought Christian?  Are YOU?
Video – The Science of Ernest’s Mind

Prepare 2 insights you gained from Hick’s writing. Send these to your instructor 48 hours before class (note the page number you are referencing). Be prepared to discuss these insights and views regarding New Thought, its Historical Foundations, and how you might use this material in your ministry.  Why is it important to know with respect to your ministry?

(tentative) CLASS TWO: Saturday, January 15, 10 am – 6 pm

Presentation  from Rev. Paul Smith

Spiritual Notes – Groups will then work on & present PPT presentations

Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help with this preparation:

  • Your “player?”
  • Cultural influences of the times?  Challenges of these times?  Terminology?
  • Major concepts of the “player” that you chose”
  • Similarities/differences with Ernest Holmes’s “concepts”? How was Ernest Holmes influenced by this person?
  • Quotes from Ernest Holmes and your “player” to support your observations about each one – God, Jesus, the Bible, Sin, Prayer, Human Rights?
  • How this individual might impact you or others in human life everyday experiences:
  • How might you use these ideas in your ministry?

CLASS THREE: Friday, February 11, 6-9pm


Historical Time Line of New Thought – Hand-outs sent out or on the website and will be reviewed in class. Print and have available.

Prepare 2 insights you gained from Haller’s writings. (No need to send these to your instructor 48 hours before class). Be prepared to discuss Haller’s views on New Thought, its Historical Foundations, and how you might use these ideas in your ministry. Any questions or concerns it raised and how you will address these.

Work on Team Projects if time

CLASS FOUR: Saturday, February 12, 10am – 6pm

  1. Team Projects
  2. Class Celebration and Completion!

Team Project List – once you select, we’ll update the names on this list

Ernest Holmes – Guest Lecturer for Week 2

Troward – 
Mary Baker Eddy-
Charles and Myrtle Fillmore- 
Phineas Parkhurst Quimby – Toni
Julius A. and Annetta G. Dresser – Mallika
David Dresser Seabury – Maurene
James Freeman- 
Warren Felt Evans- Jason
Horatio Dresser – Maurene
Christian Larson – 
Emmet Fox – 
Eric Butterworth- 
Malinda Cramer – Julie
Nona Brooks – Julie
Annie Rix Militz- Frank
Emilie Cady –
Fenwicke Holmes- Anthony
Joel Goldsmith – 
Ralph Waldo Trine – Chris

  “Illumination and Intuition”

I stood upon the shore of
The Larger Life, I heard its swelling tide,
I felt its lapping waves upon my feet,
Uninvited, the unknown became the known,
The invisible was seen.  A voice spoke
And I heard it.  Beyond all reasoned thought,
It spoke a language that feeling and only feeling
Can interpret . . . but real, oh, so real!
Illusive, fluidic, but substance of
All substance, Illumination came!

The Voice Celestial (p. 157)